Thursday, March 14, 2013

Throwback: Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

Monday marked the two year anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. March 11th, 2011 Japan experienced a 9 magnitude earthquake. This massive earthquake then sparked a tsunami which hit the Japanese coast just minutes after the earthquake. Survivors said that they wave reached about 23 feet in height. Unfortunately, 2994 lives were claimed during this event and over 6000 people were injured. Japan is still suffering from the effects of this event. In fact, according the Japanese Government over 300,000 are still homeless due to the event.

One of the biggest worries from this disaster was the fact that there were several Nuclear Plants in danger from the tsunami waves. Below is a map of Japan and where all of the Nuclear Plants are located. The experts claim that the radiation that was leaked at Fukushima was non life threatening.
Photo/Info From:

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