Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wacky Weather: Dust Storm and Hurricanes

Whoa didn't think you would hear those two words in the same title did you? A large dust storm just came off the North African coast and looks like it may hinder hurricane formation for the first part of August.

A combination of dry air and dust will both cool the ocean and lower moisture levels over the Atlantic Ocean. Now when I say cool I don't mean the ice age is coming. It will only cool about 1°C but in ocean terms this is very significant. 

As meteorologist enthusiast you must have thought the same thing I did when I first heard this, wouldn't this enhance cloud formation? When I took Atmospheric Physics, it was taught by a cloud physicist, who told me dust and salt particles can be the basis of cloud formation. However after further research about my inquiry, I found that more low-level clouds will cool the sea surface as well, which would not aid hurricane formation.

Photo/Idea From:

Monday, July 8, 2013

La Grande Weather Service

Just thought I would take a break from weather facts and tell you a little more about myself. I am currently a forecaster at La Grande Weather Service. I dabble in a little bit of everything with them. In the winter, I forecast for Anthony Lakes Ski Area, and now in the summer time I am forecasting fire weather for Northeastern Oregon.

This weather service is based in La Grande, Oregon. They provide various types of forecasts for the residents of Northeast Oregon. Their goal is to supply the rural communities of Northeast Oregon with accurate weather forecasts. This is critical especially in the summer months with the dangers of wild fires. This is why the company has just developed a new fire weather model to help them in forecasting the fire dangers in Northeast Oregon. Check out this new model or LGWS forecasts at the or email the Meteorologist in Charge, for more info.